Progress Report Week 18
We've got more updated textures for this shot which is super exciting! After getting feedback from the class, I don't think the stabilization I was trying last week was working well for an audience so I stepped back a bit and refocused and took the notes from our professor and director. Because the sequence is over a course of time, our director suggested that it could be like a time lapse where a 'picture' is recorded at the same time every day, which means that the lighting can stay steady for this shot, solving the issues without adding on a lot of frames for a shot without a lot of complex animation. I think this is a good decision so that the shot is visually appealing while also being logical. I spent time fine tuning the lighting so that we got a subtle rim light on the chess pieces. After a lot of look development this quarter, we are finally able to start lighting in the chess world! It's super fun to see the bright and fun colors of this e...