
Showing posts from October, 2019

Environment Visual Design - Office

This week in story development, David's bedroom was cut. Instead we will have a living room, an office, and a chess world. I explored more office designs as seen above. I applied a lot of critique notes that I received on my first isometric drawing. I also moved the desk to the middle of the room as that was necessary for certain shots included in our animatic. I experiemnted with different styles of storage, and implemented some different ideas for the furniture. I also included some furniture designs that our modeler has started to create.

Environment Visual Design - Living Room

This week in story development, David's bedroom was cut. Instead we will have a living room, an office, and a chess world. I explored more living room designs as seen above. I focused mainly on window design and furniture arrangement because the time of day in our film is so important to the story that what is seen through the window will change the mood and the furniture arrangement affects how the characters approach and interact with the chess board itself. 

Environment Visual Design - Chess World

Because the chess world (based off of a chess board) is very geometric, I decided to take visual development into Maya as it is much more efficient to model and arrange basic cubes than to draw such specific perspectives. Right now there are still a lot of designs to explore, but it is very each to make changes. Changes in the animatic will also greatly affect the way the chess world appears, but so far this method of doing things is working very well. The Maya file can also be handed off to start effects tests. 

Environment Visual Design

Above are some isometric drawings of the environments I did. I am always keeping in mind the way we want our character to move around and interact with our space. I also wanted to add in details that help further our story. I spent a lot of time working on proportions so that modelers would have a good reference to go off of. We overall want the space to feel spacious, as the family is well off, but not empty either. I also include some very necessary props that will add story telling elements. For example, in the office is a degree that will show that the father is a lawyer. There is still room to make changes, but we are working on getting more specific this week.