Final Report Unit 10

Well, this is it, the last blog post I will make about the creation of this film. It's certainly been a journey. I will include a syncsketch link at the bottom of this post to show the work I did this last week, but I really wanted my final post to be a bit more reflective of the overall product and experience rather than the final work I put in. 

Looking back on everything, I think that the making of this film was full of so many twists and turns. I've learned a lot every step of the way though and I am so very proud of our team and what we have accomplished. I believe that there are things we could've done better, however every artist would continue to refine their work forever if they were allowed to do so, so I believe that what we've accomplished in the time we had is very good too.

In this past year, we've endured a lot of things that maybe aren't always visible on the surface. We combined with another team and took on a lot of new members very quickly. This was a challenge because we had to redo our rigs at the time and introducing and organizing people into our files and process was something we had to take the time to do. I believe that although we were a bit frazzled at the time it happened, I am so incredibly happy and grateful to the team that joined us. I am so sorry for their project not going as far as they'd like, but their help was really the only reason why we were able to complete this film. I'd like to specifically thank them for helping out as much as they did.

I also would like to acknowledge the the Corona Virus and subsequent shut down of on ground classes was a significant challenge we faced. Although we had the huge privilege of accessing the school's drives and renderfarms from our own computers, there were still hiccups wherein we were without access at times, files didn't tranfer through well, time consuming file transfers, and overall many more technical challenges. At every turn my technical side of the team and I always kept in communication with each other and the heads of departments from our school and we really worked hard at shouldering through these challenges. It did cost us some time of course, but I am so proud of what we have accomplished because these challenges were threatening the completion of our film and we all really bundled together and got through it.

I am so grateful that I got to be a part of this team. I got to work with really talented people to help share a story that touches my heart so dearly. Thank you to everyone who put in such hard and good work.
