Progress Report Unit 2

Lighting has a lot of work rescheduling but now we are getting into the swing of things. For me, I am taking on a lot of the shots in the chess world. We are using Maya Hardware 2.0 to render this world and lighting it comes with certain technical limitations. There is a limit of 8 lights, there's no light linking, there's a lot of dynamic camera and character moves. 

I find these challenges to be enjoyable to tackle. The lack of linking requires a lot more time and problem solving for light placement. Working with 8 lights is sort of like having a lighting budget. On a personal level, I enjoy tackling this challenge and I find it exciting how much Maya has advanced because I believe we can really achieve something compelling without long render times.

Anyways, here is some of what I've been working on. I didn't post all my versions because blogger struggles a lot with videos. I will attach a link to my syncsketch to help the viewing process.
